Monday, April 13, 2009

One about the easter eggs..sorry for the overload

Friday I needed to go to the store to grab a few things...well while I was there I decided I wanted to color Easter eggs. I don't remember that last time I did this. SO I buy the coloring kit, get the eggs, super excited for Manuel and Zen to join me (Zen is the cousin, if you didn't know). So when I get home to the two guys sitting on the couch, I told them my plan for the night- and they didn't seem like they were buying it. In fact the words out of their mouths "Who are we coloring them for, there are no kids"...US duh...So after I made dinner, and then dessert, I cleaned the kitchen while the eggs were boiling. Manuel and Zen were in the garage lifting weights, laughing, messing around with the paintball stuff, and I decided I wasn't going to interrupt them to do something they probably didn't want to, so I started dying the eggs my self- 10 to be exact, got a little bored doing it alone. Then they came in to see the eggs on the counter and there response to me was " Sweet, what do we do now" ... Well nothing b/c you guys didn't seem to fascinated by my idea earlier...hello- but lucky for them I decided to boil the last 4 eggs b/c I just didn't think I would use them anytime soon- So between the two of them, they each got 2 eggs to color and they took it seriously. It was fun to do, and to watch them do it as well. The kit I bought, also had some paint in it, but as I was painting my eggs I realized 2 things: 1) the paint sucked, and there weren't any paint brushes, they had little suction type things (can't think of the word right now, its late) and 2) the PAINT WAS SMELLY, oh my gosh, it was sick, I felt like I should have been painting a smelt a little lethal- but all in all- the eggs turned out fun- even with out the paint!!!


Didi & Jason said...

Leave it up to a guy! least they decided to do some and had a good time in the process!

Jessica said...

WOOT WOOT! Another blog!! HAHA! These are so fun and Im addin ya! Now we just have to get Crystal updating hers and we shall be in business!! :)

The Jones' said...

You're so cute Chelsea. And quite the little homemaker...

Your last post about V-day was cute. They really went all out! I'm impressed.