Sunday, March 30, 2008

This day started out "Wii" ley beautiful!

a couple of weeks ago I had a dream that I was at Toy "R" Us and I was being fought for a Wii...I had bought the very last one and some guy was beating me up to steal it from today I thought I will go to Toy R Us to see if they have any Wii's in, because from an anonymous source, they told me that they get there shipments in on Saturdays and my best day would be Sundays. So I got up, got ready, and went...not thinking anyone would be my surprise there were 3 people in front of me. I get in line...mind you this is the first line I have ever stood in before to buy it was pretty exciting, awkward and they open the doors and I rush by. I was younger than all the people I should be walking fast...I went back to the game department to only find myself lost...I have been wanting...I mean we have been wanting a Wii for a really long time so now that I am faced in a store with the possibility of them having it..I felt totally lost; I don’t know where to look on the shelves, then the comforting voice of "May we help you?" Oh yes...Do you have any Wii's? "Yes we do, come on up here" to my surprise there were 3 people working in the game department and each person had like 3 wii's..that was quite a few..the checker said seeing they have been getting any in lately... I was so happy I was shaking and so excited to get home to wake up Manuel even though he had only been sleeping for 3 1/2 hours...I knew he would be excited. I think I am more excited though because I am fully awake and wasn’t bombarded with my excitement while sleeping.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys are "Wii"-ly special! (see, I can do it to!:) You'll have to let me know how you're liking the Super Smash Bros.

Nicole said...

You are such a geek! I love this story though and am so glad that you posted it! Aidan misses his Aunt and Uncle. I wish you guys could have stayed for longer, but at the same time I was elated that you were even able to come for the short time you did. I have to say that I LOVE the picture of you holding Aidan that Randy posted on our blog. You look gorgeous and so adorable holding your new nephew. I love ya Chels!