Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy Late Holidays

Well, I can't believe the holidays are now officially over. It ended this morning when Chanc and Randy left my house bound for Moscow :( I missed them when they walked out the door. these past couple of weeks have been so exciting with all the family time, holiday festivities and fun! It all started December 22, Mom and myself threw Chanc a baby shower, it was a lot of fun and it turned out great, although I felt so stressed with it being right after finals, I felt that I was very un-prepared until the baby shower ended and it was a success. Chanc got lots of fun stuff and they have a good start for the little guy! Only three months and he will be here. I can't wait. Christmas was great as well. IT was so nice being able to spend the holidays with family. I seriously dont know how I could ever not have family around for the holidays, I hope I will alwasy have family around, they bring love, joy and happiness to the great days! We drove up to Rock Creek to see the christmas lights, it was cold, but we managed to walk through and they even had a camel this year. I haven't been there in a really long time, it was fun. The entire family went and then we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's for Chilli and Cinnamon Rolls, mmm...yummy. Manuel and I got spoiled for christmas. He got a pair of Pumas, dye-lock lids for paintball, a wonderful back massager with heat :), clothes, cologne, Santa left Pirates of the Carriabean 2 for Manuel, but I realized it when it was too late, Christmas morning. But no worries, he got it exchanged. Silly Santa. He also got some Spy Sundglasses, that look pretty sweet on him! This seems to be the only picture of him taken while we were opening gifts sorry babe! I was given gift cards, pizza stone :) Bread Maker :) Shoes and money for business clothes! it was a wonderful christmas. We spent time with both families and it was wonderful, I took time off of work so we had extra time in burley which was good! We hope everyone had a great holiday season! The night ended by playing our 2nd Annual Bingo games, it was great fun, lots of funny gifts and well it's Bingo! here is picture of the family, referred as the ATV's (Asher's Todd's and Vega's) from now on guys :)

1 comment:

Randy & Chanc Nicole said...

ATV's...creative, it's growing on me. I miss you too, things have been slow, quiet, and too boring without all the commotion of fam. I hope you're still enjoying your looooonnnnggg break! I'm just slightly jealous, but I would be going crazy if I never had anything to do. Miss ya!